
g) dennis roger reed:
~~ under cover

Dennis Roger Reed: UnderCover
a) "Under Cover"Originally released on cassette in 1995 this project encompassed the many talented musicians that have performed over the years as part of the Dennis Roger Reed Band. Though this project was never released on CD…. It stands to date one of the finest analog releases on the PMR label. Enjoy!!

***Special thanks to Waverly Reed for artwork and cover designs.
b) Original front coverwith liner notes
c) Original back coverwith liner notes
01NeverAgain[bonustrack].MP3d) Never Again
02PintoPony.MP3e) Pinto Pony
03MonaLisa.MP3f) Mona Lisa
04PleaseBeWithMe.MP3g) Please Be With Me
05RememberMe.MP3h) Remember Me
06OneToManyMornings.MP3i) To Many Mornings
07MrSpaceman.MP3j) Mister Spaceman
08TellMeWhy.MP3k) Tell Me Why
10WalkinOnTheMoon.MP3l) Walking On The Moon
09AsLongAsILive.MP3m) As Long As I Live
11ChildsClaimToFame.MP3n) Child's Claim To Fame
12PapaGenesBlues.MP3o) Papa Genes Blues
13FranksTavern.MP3p) Franks Tavern
14TheCooCoo[bonustrack].MP3q) The Coo-Coo
15SledRide[bonustrack].MP3r) Sled Ride
s) Review...Check out the Los Angeles Times Mike Boehm... UnderCover 4-22-96 Review
Y) Walking on the Moon